When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness, it can be very hard on the individual and their family. Hospice care is a type of aid that is offered to people who are suffering from a terminal illness and need assistance throughout the day. Hospice care can be given in an inpatient treatment facility or at the family home. If you have a loved one who is suffering from a terminal illness, in-home hospice care may be the best option for your family for the reasons listed in the guide below.

Allow Your Loved One to Feel As Comfortable As Possible

Many people feel more comfortable sleeping in their own bed than resting in a bed in an inpatient facility. While many facilities do everything that they can to make the environment feel as warm and comforting as possible, it still is not the same as being at home. The in-home caregiver will be at your home during any time of day when you are not present or during the time periods you request to have assistance.

There Is Often No Extra Cost to You

An in-home caregiver is usually covered by insurance so that you do not have to pay anything for the assistance out of your own pocket. The average person does not know how to give someone who is terminally ill the care that they need so the care is viewed as being a necessity, not a luxury by many insurance companies.

Be Able to Monitor the Care that Your Loved One Is Given

Having your loved one at home allows you and your family to monitor the care that they receive. You will be able to rest assured that the person taking care of him or her is as kind, patient, and caring as you would be if you could do the job yourself. If your loved one stays in an inpatient facility, you will only be able to monitor the way they are being treated when you are present.

You may only have a limited amount of time left with your loved one and having them stay in an inpatient facility will limit your ability to spend the little bit of time they have left with them. You want to make the most of every minute that you can and having your loved one be at home with their family will ensure everyone is able to make the most of what time is left. For more information, contact a company like Carolina East.
